Cloud Tower is based on a Metaball algorithm that fuses randomly generated spheres of different sizes into a single body. This corpus is divided into individual layers and held in place by fine supporting columns. The result is a seemingly magical structure of floating layers that intersect and merge, reminiscent of a utopian futuristic skyscraper.

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In "Sunburst", the sunrays shown are derived from climate anomalies of selected countries from 1850 to the present. The mean annual temperature anomaly is generated as a sunburst graph. The sunburst mirror, a decorative object meant to bring a bit of hubris and divinity into the home, subtly becomes an ominous warning of a turning point in history. The reflected image of ourselves is no longer framed by golden rays of sunlight, but by anthracite climate data.

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The Bunker Series

An ongoing series of parametric sculptures made of 3mm and 4mm corten steel. By strictly following the computer generated cell structure, the bunkers often look surprisingly strange and brutalist, out of proportion and form, like an improvised and randomly grown construction.

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White Noise

White noise is a term used in acoustics to describe noise that is uniform across all frequency ranges. In the visual field, we are familiar with the white noise image that forms the basis of the work presented here. The image noise is analyzed and divided into different bright and dark areas, with the dark areas marked by small square cutouts. The resulting pattern is a random arrangement of lines, rectangles and squares cut out of the metal plate.

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The tower consists of 24 floors that cover the entire area at the bottom and taper upwards into two towers. Each level consists of an organic-looking shape created by an algorithm. The higher the structure grows, the more fragile and permeable the individual levels become, and the formerly solid structure of the base dissolves more and more as it rises.

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La Gran Experiencia

La comuna de Otto Muehl

en La Gomera

Pages: 336
ISBN: 978-84-946891-1-6

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